Lighthouse: Weekly Bonfire

Spending Time with God
Most of the time, we know the important things in our lives, but actually doing them is where we struggle. We get plenty of sleep, eat healthy, Work out, and go to church. It’s no different when it comes to spending time with God. We all know that it's important, helps us grow, and makes us more like Christ, but how do we do it?
THE PRIORITY: Throughout the Bible, we see our greatest example, Jesus, regularly spending time alone with God. It wasn’t always at the same time of day, the same amount of time, or even the same location, but Jesus knew how important it was to put His Father first. Jesus made it a priority to spend time with God. Even if it's 5 minutes a day, do it every day – stay faithful!
THE PLACE: In Luke 5:16, the Bible shows us one thing that Jesus did to meet with God and that was getting away. Jesus regularly would leave the group or place He was in so that He could have alone time with God. Alone time is hard to find because of how busy we are and how many things fight for our attention. Maybe for you, it could be waking up before anyone else at home. Maybe it could be going to your bedroom a few minutes before you go to sleep, or turning off your cell phone, iPad, or TV so you can focus on God and have an uninterrupted alone time with Him.
THE PLAN: One of the greatest things about God is that He doesn’t require us to spend time with Him in any one specific way – we each get to have a personal and unique relationship with Him. But the goal of spending time with God is to have a relationship with Him. Like Jesus, part of your time with God should include prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). Other things we can do is sing songs of praise and worship to Him. Turn on a Christian radio station, Spotify, or Apple Music and worship Him with your voice (Psalm 66:1). And lastly, one of my favorite things to do when spending time with God is reading the Bible. Regularly spending time in the Bible is a way we can learn about God and a way He can communicate with us. Pick a plan on “You Version,” invite some friends, and grow in God together!

1. Make time with God the PRIORITY
2. Find the PLACE and time to spend with Him
3. Start the PLAN that works for you – start somewhere & be faithful
Spending 5 minutes with God a day, every day can change the rest of your days!

Lighthouse  Midweek  Beacon 

Growing together.

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Morning during the 9 Am Worship Service, we have Sunday School classes for Jr. high and high School Students. The Jr High Meets in Room #203 and The high school Meets in the conference Room. 

Follow us on social media.

Sunday Night 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Follow us 
@Lighthouseythgrayland  on Facebook and @lighthouse_youth_grayland on Instagram
For Questions about Lighthouse Youth Contact : Pastor Cameron - 360-589-0137 or 360-267-6101

Meet the team.

Cameron NEss

Student Ministries Pastor

Rissy Ness

Misty Denny

Ken  Denny

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Sunday Evenings

5:30 - 7:00 PM

Lighthouse Student Ministries exists to help students in the South Beach area connect with God, & make life long decisions to follow God with their lives. 

Sunday Mornings

During the 9 AM Service in Room 203 and
Conference Room

Battle at the Beach 2025

TOURNAMENT: July 26 2025 in Grayland, WA.
1360 SR 105 Grayland, WA 98547
REGISTRATION team fee: $60 (June 1 – July22)